World Services of La Crosse, Inc.

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Experts in Global Issues

Citizen Diplomacy --
Building Peace

A Special Message
Today I send a personal message from World Services of La Crosse, Inc., I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for all each and every one of you have contributed to the success of our organization. We have been through many ups and downs together – the hard work, the joys. We have seen the sadness in the world along with the smiles as we brought new hope to those with whom we worked. The teamwork, camaraderie and outcomes have made it all worthwhile. 

Each of us involved was touched in a different way. For me, it was what transpired within each person, group, team, or community. The opportunities that were created for many to have had the experience of either traveling and working side-by-side with colleagues from other countries or meeting people from other cultures here at home will be unforgettable.  Seeing the impact of successful projects and experiencing the appreciation from people and communities around the world has warmed my heart.  Knowing what all of this has meant to everyone touched by World Service is the memory that I will carry forever.

With the challenges of international travel, significantly diminishing grant funds and further State Department budget cuts for international project on the horizon, we recognize it is time to move on. World Services as an organization will be completing its work early in 2018. 

Although that brings sadness, please remember that as citizen diplomats, we can do what governments cannot. With our deeply felt mission to change the world one hand shake at a time, I am confident our personal spirit of citizen diplomacy will continue in each of us. 

We extend to you our deep appreciation for sharing your homes, your skills and talents, your commitment and generosity. You have been true partners. 

Peace through Understanding,

Sandra McCormick, President & CEO
World Services of La Crosse

Reminder: La Crosse celebrates Global Initiatives Week Nov. 3– 10

A group of businesses and organizations in the Greater La Crosse Region will come together to celebrate the fifth annual Global Initiatives Week Friday, Nov. 3 – Friday, Nov. 10. Organizers aim to showcase the community’s cultural value and highlight the economic and social impact of the Coulee Region’s global connections through food, dance, art, film and speakers.A wide variety of events are scheduled throughout the week at various locations. A complete calendar is available at  Join the conversation on the La Crosse Area Global Initiatives Week Facebook page or Twitter using #lacrosseglobal.

World Services of La Crosse News

Welcome! Open World Delegations
Spring & Fall 2017 Exchanges

Open World Leadership Center

World Services is a national hosting organization with the Open World Leadership Center and brings Eurasian, Ukrainian, Baltic, and Russian Open World participants to many states in the U.S. each year. Thanks to our dedicated citizen diplomacy volunteer leaders throughout the United States who host Open World delegations.



Advisory Commission on International
Relationships (ACIR) 
Great Falls, Montana

"Accountability and Ethic in Government:
E-Freedom of Information"



International Center of Syracuse
Syracuse, New York

"Media Practices"



University of Wisconsin Extension
Juneau County
Mauston, Wisconsin

"Environmental Education"



Moscow-Santa Clara County
Sister Counties Commission
San Jose, California

"Social Integration--Children and Adults
with Mental Impairments"



Boulder-Dushanbe Sister Cities
Boulder, Colorado




Sanford Health Bemidji 
Bemidji, Minnesota 

"E-Governance in Hospitals" 



Sebastopol World Friends
Sebastopol, California

"Combating Domestic Violence" 

Santa Cruz Sister Cities Support
Santa Cruz, California

""Empowering NGO's--Advocacy in Transparency and Anti-Corruption


Santa Barbara Cinco de Mayo
with Santa Barbara Sister Cities
Santa Barbara, California

"Empowering NGO's--Advocacy in Civil Society"

O.P.E.N (Organization Promoting Everlasting Neighbors)
Newton, Iowa

"Empowering NGO's--Advocacy in Family Services"